Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Never Say Never Die

It’s a year since the cowardly, heinous massacre of innocent people in Mumbai by twisted trained Terrorists. The perpetrators who aimed to inflict a great blow to the very fabric of India- its secularism, thus hoping to derail its growth and economic progress, fell flat on there face. Defeated by the very common people who held on to their nerves and dealt with the situation, deeply united, bouncing back and returning a stronger nation than ever before.

Mumbai has shown time and time again that it’s resolve and resilience cannot be shaken by terror or tragedy. I Myself, having left with in close call on two testing situations the city underwent earlier, one on Mumbai flooding day and other on Serial blast 2006 , witnessed the terrific moments from close proximity. It’s amazing to see how the people of this city who totally let down by the authorities and the governance dealt with the situation rallying behind each other to address the issues and propel the city back to normalcy. As the saying goes “Mumbai never sleeps” Yes it’s true and its also true that “Mumbai never tires”.

This great business hub, The hallmark of India, symbolizes our strength and reflects our resolve to withstand injustice acts of cowardice inflicted upon us.
No doubt, time and again we have shown the character and withstood against all adverse situations and look for peaceful means of solving issues such as building external consensus through dialogs and discussions but isn’t it time we take our internal security matters into our hand and stop looking elsewhere??. Isn’t it time we act like a responsible nation and priortise the protection its people above rest.

After all, what a strong economic power is?, if it is not able to protect its People? Protect its borders? and provide justice by bringing the perpetrators of this crime to their knees denying them access to spill any further blood of innocent unharmed civilians on the streets.
This great nation resonates with deeds and doings of its great leaders who set exemplary examples by living the talk, so much so that leaders like Mahatma Ghandhi lived a simple common life so much so that he denied himself good cloths as vast majority of his people during that time could not afford clothes.
Its time our leaders who feel comfy in the safe ring of Z class realize that their primary responsibility is to safeguard the security and interest of the people who elected them and not just themselves. Its time they wake up

On this day, Lets pay our homage to people who laid down there lives on 26/11/2008 by joining our hands together at NDTV’s human chain
Jai Hind

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