Thursday, July 2, 2009

Humming The Hymns

The holidays are over and children are back to school braving the threat of flu. Looking back, it feels that the weeks just flew by for all of us, often keeping ourselves involved in planning and execution of interesting activities for kids. Although the fun always got ahead in mind, I’m sure the learning wasn’t left far behind.

One such learning activity that happened on the background was the Sloka classes pioneered and successfully conducted by Mrs. Meena Venkatesh.
Mrs.Meena came up with the idea of engaging our little ones productively by proposing to teach Shloka to interested kids to kindle a sprit of spirituality with these young kidooos, Here is what she said had to say when initially proposed it
“..Believe that spirituality is latent in all of us. It just needs to be awakened and age is no bar."
The classes were successfully conducted and concluded by her, what was interesting though was the zeal, enthusiasm and eagerness in which the kids attended this classes much to the surprise of their parents.
Here is what the children’s got to say
“ Sloka class were very very interesting Meena aunty took lot of efforts in preparing the material and making the teaching interesting for us. We learnt a lot in these few classes”

“ The classes were made interesting by the “home library” in which Meena aunty allowed us to borrow old comic books among which some belonged to her child hood days”

Wonder if it makes sense to continue such programs and expand this idea beyond holidays covering larger group’s interest. Perhaps,Public speaking and debate lesson, Music classes, Indian language exchange sessions, Weekend Vedic Mathematics class, Rangoli drawing classes and much more.
Everything got to have a beginning and we now have a successful one, will this generosity become contagious and spread in this conducive atmosphere, time to wait and watch.
Thank you Mrs.Meena, your efforts are much appreciated:)