Having learnt about ‘Fengshan Divali Night’ a bit late, we weren’t sure about securing a ticket for this event. It came as surprise when we heard from the community member that they may be able to accommodate us. Having managed to get an entry, it didn’t surprise us to find ourselves at one of the back row table but soon it was all smiles as the very same table turned out to be among the lucky one to win a table price.
The Event was very well organized, the audience were entertained by a few amazing dances by Malay kids who danced to Hindi songs and Chinese kids, who displayed a lantern dance, the orchestra of traditional Tamil songs was good.
The south Indian traditional band dance was amazing; it filled the hall loud and clear and reflected the festivities back home. It also doubled up as a welcome party to greet guest of honor Mr. Raymond Lee. The spicy Indian food not only added the aroma for the event but turned out to be delicious, to finish off it was the lucky dip.
It was indeed a good experience and was a nice opportunity to meet and greet members of different community who came together to celebrate the ‘Divali Night’. All in all it was a very well cherished evening at vicinity of home.