It’s our 62nd Independence day. Little would have one imagined that a country which had great challenges to deal with when independent, such as burgeoning population, illiteracy, acute Food shortage, diversities in its cultures, religions, languages, castes, manners would ever stick together as one nation, let alone progress and prosper
Today, mighty economies have recognized India as a key emerging market and are looking towards it as part of a solution to solve this Global economic slump.
The reason behind this transformation is due to various factors but one thing that stands out distinctly and clearly evident is its people, The very factor that was viewed as a liability for countries progress turned out to be its greatest asset “Its billon strong minds” that have relentlessly strived laying the foundation and propelling this country forward from a little known “Snake charming nation” to this great sensation.
Certainly, India is not defined not only by the success and growth stories but its insufficiencies too such as poverty, illiteracy, corruption, bureaucracy, crippling infrastructure, inadequacy of basic health care resulting in highest number of deaths related to childbirth, Malaria, Aids etc etc, this reminds on the hard long journey ahead before the entire people of the nation truly feel independent.
The Nation which has together stood the test of time under adverse conditions be it manmade or natural has wisely learnt that “Together lies the strength” Bound by a various commonality we have, such as ‘Food’, ‘History’, ‘Traditions’ and ‘Bollywood’ to name a few act like converging factors bringing us much closer exhibiting our unique strength “Unity in Diversity” and for those external forces who are dreaming to mastermind a split, we have two words to say “Vande Matharam”
Happy Independence Day folks